Kaweco STUDENT Fountain Pen 20's Jazz Brown


Regular price $70.00

Kaweco STUDENT Fountain Pen 20's Jazz Brown: Fine Nib

Nostalgic fountain pen in strong brown with golden details made of high-quality acrylic.

If you take a look at the past of the Roaring Twenties, the dominant brown hues, feather boas, cigarette holders and pinstripe suits catch the eye. They stand for an exuberant time, which was celebrated musically mainly with jazz. The Student Fountain Pen 20's Jazz reflects this joie de vivre and, guided by your hands, celebrates a celebration of elegance and exuberance.

The Student fountain pen with its curved pen body made of high-quality acrylic guarantees haptic and visual writing pleasure.

The STUDENT Fountain Pens come with a brass Kaweco tin, perfect for safe keeping. 

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