Kaweco ART Sport Fountain Pen Hickory Brown


Regular price $125.00

Kaweco ART Sport Fountain Pen Hickory Brown: Fine Nib

The Kaweco sports model in a nostalgic look

For all those who value nostalgia. The Kaweco Art Sport fountain pen in the colour Hickory Brown awakens a longing for a bygone era. The combination of the warm shimmering brown tone with the deep black creates an aesthetic vintage effect, which is particularly emphasized by the interplay with the golden elements. Different colour intensities and the highly polished surface create an extraordinary depth effect. The artistic casting process of the high-quality acrylic creates unique textures and patterns that make each writing instrument unique.
The permanently mounted clip guarantees a secure hold of the pen for on the go or on the writing surface.

In 1911, something special was created with the Kaweco Sport. The pocket fountain pen has a size of only 10.5 cm when closed and can therefore be carried with you without any problems. With the cap tucked on, it grows to a normal size of 13 cm.

The ART Sport Fountain Pen also comes with a brass Kaweco tin, perfect for safe keeping.

Note: Due to the hand polishing of the surface, the size of the pen with the cap on can vary between 12 cm and 13 cm.

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