Kaweco Liliput Fountain Pen Green


Precio habitual $60.00

Kaweco Liliput Fountain Pen Green: Fine Nib

Minimalism meets lush green.

One of the oldest Kaweco series is the Lilliput. As early as 1908, the simple design of these writing instruments, which were made of hard rubber at the time, fascinated people. To this day, the Kaweco LILIPUT consists of only three housing parts: cap, shaft and grip.

With 9.7 cm when closed, only 8.7 cm when open and 12.5 cm with the cap screwed on, the Liliput is one of the smallest fountain pens in the world.

In keeping with the spring-like awakening and sprouting of nature, the Kaweco Liliput fountain pen presents itself in a rich light green color garment. The silky matt surface finish of the aluminum housing creates a noble and velvety texture that invites you to touch it.

The pens come with the silver Kaweco tin box, wrapped in a green Collection slipcase with a metallic look.

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