Kaweco ART Sport Fountain Pen Terrazzo


Precio habitual $125.00

Kaweco ART Sport Fountain Pen Terrazzo: Fine Nib

The Kaweco Sport model in harmonious mosaics

A fountain pen full of character and exciting patterns – Like the traditional terrazzo floor covering of the same name, the Kaweco Art Sport fountain pen enchants with colourful mosaic inlays. In contrast to the cream-coloured base material, the play of colours of the writing instrument comes into its own in a particularly stylish way. The highly polished surface of the high-quality acrylic makes the fountain pen a luxurious flatterer to the hand. The artistic casting process of the material creates unique textures, which means that no two writing instruments are alike. The golden elements create a warm appearance and harmonise wonderfully with the cosy colour combination.
The permanently mounted clip guarantees a secure hold of the pen for on the go or on the writing surface.

In 1911, something special was created with the Kaweco Sport. The pocket fountain pen has a size of only 10.5 cm when closed and can therefore be carried with you without any problems. With the cap tucked on, it grows to a normal size of 13 cm.

The ART Sport Fountain Pen also comes with a brass Kaweco tin, perfect for safe keeping.

Note: Due to the hand polishing of the surface, the size of the pen with the cap on can vary between 12 cm and 13 cm.

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